Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Ashley & Darwin - Seattle Lifestyle Maternity

Lately, before shoots, I set a goal and an intention for the experience. I am doing this because I sometimes get lost during a shoot, to consumed by my creative process that I forget the bigger picture. Why do we cherish photographs so much?

Photographs tell your story, especially when they take place in your home (which happens to be what I love shooting the most). Images capture a moment in time, a feeling, and energy between people- and so we look back at those photos for years to come, we show our children, our grandchildren, they show there children and so on. For example, at the entrance to my home is a very old picture of my grandparents in their bathing suits sitting under and umbrella, they were probably 23. I adore this picture and so does my whole family. It brings me happiness when I see it and sends me on a nostalgic journey.

Photos like the ones below of Ashley and Darwin, create a gift in a way for everyone who sees them. It is a constant reminder of love, and new beginnings. I know when I look back at photos I have taken, I am proud because I was able to capture a feeling or an energy, but more than that I feel grateful that I helped these wonderful capture and store such precious times in their lives.

Clearly, my approach to photography and being a photographer is very much an emotional process. I can't help but get immersed in their world, I look around their homes for evidence of what makes them special. I tell my clients before hand not to be worried as I make myself at home, picking things up, looking at art, peeking around corners - because you know what? You all have an incredible story and I make a goal to always discover and tell that story.

Halfway through the shoot Darwin directed my attention to a wall of photos beautifully mounted and arranged in a gallery style on the wall. They were pictures of New York. Darwin began to tell me how special these pictures were - there was the street corner in the neighborhood where they met, a view of the skyline with the freedom tower glistening at the top. He told me how important this image was for him because it was a reminder of how New York, and the people of this amazing city, rose up from such tragedy and made something beautiful.

I also really love it when clients offer me cheese and fruit and crackers and especially La Croix. Thank you Ashley and Darwin for letting me tell your story of love.

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